Raw Content. No Artificial Flavors Added.
Wednesday, December 1
Anger is short-lived madness.
Thursday, October 7
TVC Thursday - Fevicol

Monday, October 4
The Common Wealth Games Opening on Twitter
• Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, NZ don't have ads. DD is all set to Make money :D They rarely get a chance :P
• Why are the leading ladies wearing watches with arm full bangles?
• I am guessing the watches are by the time the countries they are leading. #Tukka @Ohayesha @ShutterCrazy @DKMahant
• Indians are prettiest. Worldwide. Period
• Canada cheering! They got Punjabis over there. No?
• Cook Islands. They must have great food :D
• Smiles look good. Players look like they are here to play and not die.
• Ghana leading lady has put the flag in her hair.
• Saree is one sexy dress. Period.
• Kenya placard lady’s saree *drool*
• Punjabi Suit #win
• 71 dresses and saree drapes. #IndianHeritage #SooperWin
• MonsterRat! Whattey country dude! They must be scary people.
• Norfolk Island. They do not have any folk songs or dances.
• There is more in Rwanda than Hotel Rwanda. :D
• Scotland. Where are the bagpipes?
• After the Ayodhya verdict, it is too soon for timeline to go doped.
• Lehnga saree for Tanzania.
• I like the purple dress Africans whose name I missed.
• #onetightslap to all those who ve been making fun of #CWG. Well begun is half done.

Thursday, September 30
TVC Thursday- Surf
Afterall, this TVC Thursday was not a bad idea at all. I get to recollect the commercials from my childhood :D
Thursday, September 23
TVC Thursday
Sunday, August 29
A sneak peek into my Gaali Vocab
Ø Baarish mein tapke kutte/ billi!
Ø Ruki ghadi ki sui!
Ø Namak wali kheer!
Ø Jale hue halwe!
Ø Toote dil ki yaad!
Ø Khaye hui chicken ki taang!
Ø Rakhi sawant ke acquired assets! :P
Ø Choosa hua aam!
Ø Raaste ka pathhar!
Ø Kati patang!
Ø Kutte ki poonchh!
Ø Gadhe ke seengh!
Ø Phate hue tissue paper!
Ø Onion peels!
Ø Crushed Aluminum foil
Ø Kisi uncle ki denture!
Ø Indian Railway ki toilet seat!
Ø Phate hue dhol!
Ø Flop film.
Ø Chhed wali paani ki bottle
Ø Loose elastic ka pyjama!
Ø Paida hoke gawaya!
Ø Condom company ki complaint!
Ø Bina magzine ki pistol
Ø Bina paani ki tooti!
Ø Sadak ke gaddhhe!
Ø Daya ka toda hua darwaza!
Ø Tooti bolt!
Ø Dhoodh ke fatele hisse!
Ø Unchargable simcard!
Ø Bina genie ka chirag!
Ø Daaru ki khali bottle!
Ø Toothbrush ki last bristle!
Ø Tooti sandle ki heel.
Ø Lipstic ki khaali tube.
Ø Ek horn ki maar! (I use it for our watchman)
Ø Ek thappad ki maar.
Ø Ek foonk ki maar.
Ø Tube ka starter!
Ø Pankhe ka holder
Ø Chawwanni.
Ø Doomsday ka fuse!
Ø Gastronomical Jwaarbhata
P.S last two are taken from Motumaster track of movie Udaan
P.S. Any additions are more than welcome :)
Thursday, July 1
No to Networking

Monday, June 21
Indian Traffic Scenario and Women Drivers
Talk about auto-wallas, I have read the metro people complaining about them all over the Internet.

Funniest scene on Indian roads is when the road is less wide and there are two cars coming from the opposite directions, both driven by ladies. Remember the childhood tale '2 foolish goats which got struck on a narrow bridge'? Yeah that is replayed every time when two women drivers cross each other on a narrow road. Hilarious.
Ever seen a woman trying to park on the roadside in between two cars? You bet you haven't laughed your lungs out. :D
Wednesday, June 16

#6 My yin-yang ear rings :D
#7 Maybelline Nail paints :D
#8 My purple and other pure cotton kurtas :D Beating the heat
#9 My Favorite sneakers :D Check out how dirty they are :D
Please feel free to take up if you want to do it :D
Friday, May 14
Change is the Only Constant
'People change, and forget to tell.'
Change is the only constant. Weathers change, times change, situations change. Change is the law of nature. Normal is boring. Each one of us needs a change in the course of time. Then why are PEOPLE excepted to not change? They are a portion of this Universe which is meant to change.
The world is like that as they say. One fine day, you wake up and realize that people close to you have changed. They are not as they used to be. It hurts inside. Doesn't it? Is that because of the expectations you have out of them? Probably yes.
Everyday, we meet new people. Life goes on. Some people stay, some leave. Of those, we chose the people who should stay and who should leave. There are times, when people we want to stay, leave. Also, there are times, when people we wanted to leave, stay.
It a circle. its the same for others. Some people want us to stay and some want us to leave. We choose to leave some, we stay with others.
Before you tell someone that they have changed, for one second consider. Question yourself. Are you the same for them? Haven't you changed a bit?
Every one a justification for the change they have brought in themselves. But when it comes to others, it gets in-digestible. Why do we expect others to remain the same for us if we have changed ourselves to them?
Not fair.

When people change, they grow up. They outgrow somethings and develop other things.
You may be a part of their world and may not be. Just like, you leave people behind.
I am not perfect. I hurt people. People hurt me too. But I grow up. Everyone does grow up. This could hurt initially, but we become used to it eventually.
Let people change. It is always for good.
Smile and Move On.

Saturday, April 17
Battle of Sexes? Not My Cup of Tea
Arguing on Boys are better or Girls are better. Boys can do a lot of things which girls can not do like removing their shirt and urinating in public places which Girls can not.
Girls have their idea of the story that they can bring life to planet et cetra.
Who ever invented this Battle of Sexes, I say it is a very very lame idea.
Nature created Man and Woman to compliment each other, not to substitute each other. Had substitution be the motive, there had been only one of the either existing.
Not just literally, that is, to reproduce, but on the whole.
Nature has made them different, so they are meant to be different. You can not compare an elephant and a lion (see, I dint use Dog or Ass- it proves my intentions are not otherwise sarcastic), like wise you can not compare a Man and a Woman.
Men and Women are biologically, physically, mentally, psychologically different make ups. Men are made to think in a different way than Women.
I know Men who are very conscious about their looks and I know Women who are tech savvy.
I know Men who really are Dumb and I know Women who are Witty.
I know Men who love shopping and I know Women who love playing Video Games.
If you want to tag those guys or girls as losers; please navigate from this space.
Numerous things like that can be listed down here. But my whole point is 'why compare them when they are not meant to be compared?'
I believe more than being a Man or a Woman, we are Human and we should act like that. There are other things for entertainment.
P.S. My dear future husband, If you believe in Battle of Sexes, I am not going to marry you.
Saturday, March 20
Moving on
Lol.. With the first line, I guess by now you all must have made out, The Richa is back. I guessed so. :)
There have been things in my life that transformed me into a complete different person. I did sulk and crib. Might have showed to some people and might not to many.
But the truth spoken or unspoken remains the same. Yeah, I am not an emotion-proof person. Things do affect me.
And what it was, I am glad it is over now. Full and final. I tried very hard to settle for something that wasn’t worth me. But no more. Now I know certainly what I do NOT want.
I am looking forward to a new beginning. And this time, I am sure I am not at any cost, going to settle for something sub standard.
Now I guess I am a stronger person *sigh* also vulnerability has set in somewhere making me a near human as compared to before *evil grin*
Monday, March 8
To all my Girl Friends :)
All those girls who matter to me, who made a difference in my life by just being there, who I could talk to in times of distress, who I could laugh with over nothing, who I could gossip with, bitch with, rant with, go out shopping with or simply chat online with.

I want to let you know that you really really mean a lot to me. Even if you are married, have kids, have a demanding job or family issues, because of which 'our time' has become limited; but all those moment which we spent together and being there counts.
Thank you. Really.
For listening to me.
For giving me those advices which I already know.
For helping me learn new recipes.
For laughing over my non-sense jokes.
For helping me get out of useless relationships.
For standing by my side.
For bitching with me, gossiping with me.
For all those parties you threw for me, all those gifts you gave me.
For loving me, even though we have points of disagreements.
For keeping my secrets.
For being honest with me.
For making me laugh with all those cranky jokes.
For being there.
For Jhelo-fying me :)
I specially want to mention Divya, Harshita, Rupal and Vibhu. My Best friends for ever.
And all you Virtual friends, from Blogger and Twitter.
If you reached here from the link I gave you, it means you are significant for me..
Love you all
Mwaaaaaaaaahhhhhs :)

Wednesday, February 24
Do relationships come cheap?
Case 2: Arranged Marriage. Girl is a perfect daughter-in-law material. She performs her duties well. Takes care of everyone in the household but doesnt talk to her husband. They separate within 2 months of marriage. The guy gets married again. And same happens all over again. They separate again within six months this time. And now the guy is looking for another marriage.
Case 3: Arranged Marriage. Both girl and guy are engineers, working. They get married after a courtship of 3 months. Honeymoon tickets booked for Singapore the next week of the wedding day. They miss the trip somehow and go to Simla instead. Girl doesnt come back with the husband, rather returns to the PG she was residing at before her marriage. Separation.
I am not making this up. Recently I have heard of such 3 break ups in my close relatives. Case 1 is from Mumbai, 2 from Kolkata and and third one in Delhi.
Off late, I have been hearing of many break ups. Break ups as in divorces. Divorces of newly wed couples. I might be unaware of, but I guess this is a new trend developing in Metros. People get married, and separate in a few days of their marriage. Not just in arranged marriages but even in Love marriages.
I might not be the right person to comment on relationships. Or marriages. You may call me stuck in old times. But I still think marriages are relationships for lifetime. There are extreme situations when there is no other alternative left except divorces, but not even trying to settle in and taking a step as huge as this is insanity.

Oh yeah there is another aspect that there is no use dragging a relationship which doesnt work out. But then, who forced into getting married in the first part?
All right. Even if you were forced into the marriage, how do you after getting married think it is okay to break it up. It doesnt simply get into my mind.
Speaking of relationships, this new show on Bindass Channel called the "Emotional Attyachar". This show, I guess has got a high TRP. In my opinion, whatever they do on the show is totally offensive. They spy on a person. And show it on National Television. This could be a scripted show as every other reality show. If it is, I say Kudos to the creative team. If it isnt, I dont understand why do these people come to the show if in any case they are going to lose the relationship. They conduct so called 'loyalty test' on their partner. If their partner cheats, they dump them, and if they dont cheat, why would they stay in a relationship where their partner doesnt trust them.
As I understand it, relationships come cheap. As a famous Aamir Khan Dialogue goes 'Aaj Pooja, Kal koi dooja'! bleh!

Monday, January 18
Twitter Bites
The word of the year.
A networking where you have your say in 140 characters. You get to connect to a whole lot of interesting people, you are exposed to captivating thoughts, absorbing communications, compelling opinions, fascinating things most of all, connecting to beloved celebrities.
Sounds magnetic. Doesn't it?
Being addicted to Twitter is my personal experience. As one of my friends say- Hyper Tweet mode.
I had a Twitter account since a long time, but I actually started using it near October last year, when I was trying to get over a hump. And it helped me a lot. I could get involved in engrossing tweets and for the time being lose my problems.
It was fun. I started playing again with words and tweeted a lot of original quotes and other wacky one liners. I was regaining my sense of humor. Also, I came across some amazing people over there. I was so obsessed with it that I brought 2 of my closest friends over there..
But since i have a habit of getting bored with things too easily. Twitter had its own time, and now I was getting over with it.
And this isnt the only reason. The popularity of anything brings to it a variety of people. I have recently come across some tweets that are really gross. The Fraandship requests found their way to Twitter. Not just that, those 140 characters could get so gross, I could not imagine. People tweet things like
"I havent crapped in like 3 days" and other people are replying remedies like eat bananas and all..
"I just had sex with myself and it was GREATTTTTTTT" GROSS. Simply GROSS.
Or saying it in the Tweet Lingo, The #FAILWHALE HAS ARRIVED PERMANENTLY.

Thursday, January 7
Rant Post
I know and I believe many of you must have forgotten me, or thinking I am rude or something to not reply to your comments and not visiting your blogs, and not commenting.. And I am not giving any justifications.. Whats not right, is not right.
The truth is, I try coming back, I read blogs, and when I hop in to the comment section, I see most of the commentators are unknown to me.. So many new bloggers have set in and the people I knew have been lazy, busy or somethings, not updating not even commenting.. It feels like a whole batch has graduated the blogsville and freshers have come in.. It is nice.. But at times, I miss those old days of blogging..
Anyhow, the new year has been a kick start for me. I am happy. One of my closest friend told me she is expecting and I am gonna be a massi soon. :)
And this dreading Winter is killing, making hands an feet numb, still there is some kindda charm in this season. I love taking lone long walks in fog :)
In other news, I am trying very hard to not let laziness set for this new year.
Also one of my closest friends is getting married in Feb, so trying hard to fit in my own dresses although cant avoid eating in winters.. *sigh*
Also, somethings have been happening to me which I aint used to, so feeling a li'l awkward. But one thing for sure is, I dont like being called sweet or cute. Like really.
And as they are calling it, Twenty Ten, it has gotta be happy for all of us if it doesnt want to get kicked in the ass :D
P.S. All my old and new attempts at fiction will now be available on a new blog called "Mocking a Tale"

Who Me??
- Richa
- I am an ECHO... Whatever I get, I give it Back.... I am a MIRROR.. Whatever I see, I show it Back... I am NOT sweet, cute, pretty, nice or friendly.
Tweet with me
Seasoned Under
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- Entangles called Relationships (27)
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- (Sh)it happens (22)
- The world through my lens (18)
- Lovestruck (16)
- What are friends for (16)
- Where have I been (16)
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